
Complex adventures

This feature includes problems and videos taken from our newly published Adventures with Complex Numbers collection.

The problems follow on from those published in our Imagine This feature earlier this year, so you might like to look at those first if you haven't already seen them.


Into the wilderness

Into the wilderness

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Let's go further and see what happens when we multiply two complex numbers together!
Complex Puzzle

Complex puzzle

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Can you use everything you have learned about complex numbers to crack this puzzle?
Mapping the territory

Mapping the territory

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Can you devise a system for making sense of complex multiplication?
Complex Numbers - Power

Complex numbers - power

Professor Chris Budd looks at how complex numbers play a crucial role in the electricity networks that power our daily lives.
Complex Numbers - Insight

Complex numbers - insight

Dr Holly Krieger explains how she uses complex numbers to understand dynamical systems, including beautiful fractals.
Complex squares

Complex squares

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
What happens when we square complex numbers? Can the square of a complex number be real?