Smallest fraction
Which of these is the smallest?
Student Solutions
Answer: $\dfrac{2\times3}{4\times6}$
Finding the value of each one
So $\dfrac{2\times3}{4\times6}$ is the smallest.
Preserving the ratio between the top and bottom numbers
All relate to $\frac24=\frac12$, numerator $:$ denominator $=1:2$
Numerator: $+2$
Denominator: $+4$
Operations are in the ratio $1:2$ so this fraction is still $\frac12$
Numerator: $\div3$
Denominator: $\div6$
Denominator gets smaller twice as quickly as numerator $\therefore$ fraction doubles in size
$\dfrac{23}{46}$, numerator $:$ denominator $=1:2$
Numerator: $-2$
Denominator: $-4$
Operations are in the ratio $1:2$ so this fraction is still $\frac12$
Numerator: $\times3$
Denominator: $\times6$
Denominator gets larger twice as quickly as numerator $\therefore$ fraction halves in size
$\therefore$ smallest