
Seeing is believing

In this feature, we have chosen some resources from the Seeing is Believing pathway on

Some mathematical results can be proved beautifully with just a simple diagram. We invite you to draw your own diagrams and use images to discover relationships and make connections.

Here's how you can send your solutions to these problems.

Chessboard Challenge

Chessboard challenge

11 to 16
Challenge level
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A chessboard has lots of squares... more than you might think at first... can you work out how many?
Picture Story

Picture story

11 to 16
Challenge level
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It is said that every picture tells a story... Can you tell the story of our video about Cube Numbers?
Order in Disorder

Order in disorder

11 to 16
Challenge level
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Watch this talk by Imre Leader and learn about maths without equations.
Make Your Own Pentominoes

Make your own pentominoes

11 to 16
Challenge level
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Pentominoes are made by joining five squares together edge to edge. Can you find them all and make a full set?