
Special numbers

In this feature, we have chosen some resources from the Special Numbers pathway on

In some senses, all numbers are special, though some are perhaps given more attention than others... We hope you'll discover that there's a lot more to averages, fractions and square numbers than you might initially think!

Here's how you can send your solutions to these problems.

Weighty Averages

Weighty averages

11 to 16
Imagine you have a large supply of 3kg and 8kg weights. This problem invites you to explore the means of different sets of these weights.
Egyptian Fractions - How Many Ways?

Egyptian fractions - how many ways?

11 to 16
Can you find many different ways to write a fraction as an Egyptian Fraction? And what does it have to do with factors?
Playing with Powers

Playing with powers

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What happens when you add powers of numbers together? Charlie and Alison have been exploring. Can you explain their findings?