An understanding of probability is important in medicine, law and wider society. These problems invite you to consider some scenarios where interpreting probabilities incorrectly can have serious consequences.

Spots and measles
99% of people who have measles have spots. Ben has spots. Do you think he has measles?

Do rare events happen?
I'd be very surprised if I had three children all with the same birthday, but I read in the paper that it happened to one family...

The ELISA test
In 1% of cases, an HIV test gives a positive result for someone who is HIV negative. How likely is it that someone who tests positive has HIV?

Matching criminals
DNA profiling is an invaluable tool for the police. However, when it comes to probability, things aren't always as straightforward as they seem.

Should I risk it?
The media is full of stories about risk. These resources help you to understand the maths behind making decisions.

Handling data
This collection of resources is designed to help you to improve your understanding of topics in Handling Data.