Equation or identity (2)
Throughout, $A$, $B$ and $C$ are the angles of a triangle.
For each of the following, decide whether it is an identity (true for all triangles) or an equation (there is a triangle for which it is not true).
If it is an identity, true for all triangles, then you should prove it (using trigonometric identities that you already know).
If it is an equation, then give an example of a triangle for which it is not true. You could also try to solve the equation (that is, find all triangles for which it is true).
1. $\sin(A + 2B) = \sin A + 2\sin B \cos(A + B)$.
2. $\tan(A - B) + \tan(B - C) + \tan(C - A) = 0$.
3. $2\sin A \cos^2\left(\frac{B}{2}\right) + 2\cos^2\left(\frac{A}{2}\right)\sin B = \sin(A + B) + \sin(B + C) + \sin(C + A)$.
4. $\sin(A+B) = \cos C$.
5. $\cos C = -\cos(A+B)$.
6. $4(\cos^2 A \cos^2 B + \sin^2 A \sin^2 B) - 2 \sin(2A) \sin(2B) = 3$.
7. $\sin(2A) + \sin(2B) + \sin(2C) = 4\sin A \sin B \sin C$.
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Student Solutions
We received lots of solutions to this problem. Thank you to Meghna, Adithya, Agathiyan and Amrit from Hymers College, Ai, Kianoush, Kingsley, Minh, John, Fatemeh, Ali, Alireza, Bow and Disha from Bellerbys College Cambridge and Thomas from BHASVIC Sixth Form College for sending us your solutions. Lots of different techniques were used, so we shall through them one problem at a time.
Meghna, Ai, Kianoush and Kingsley sent us solutions to the first problem. Here is Meghna's solution:
1) $\sin(A + 2B) = \sin A + 2\sin B \cos(A + B)$
Meghna showed that the second problem was an equation:
2) $\tan(A - B) + \tan(B - C) + \tan(C - A) = 0$
Not true when $A=60^\circ$, $B=30^\circ$, $C=90^\circ$
$\tan{(60 - 30)} + \tan{(30 - 90)} + \tan{(90 - 60)} = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{3}$
Agathiyan, Ai and Thomas sent us solutions to problem 3. Thomas showed this was an identity by starting with the left-hand side:
3) $2 \sin{A} \cos^2 {\frac{B}{2}} + 2\cos^2{\frac{A}{2}} \sin{B} = \sin{(A+B)} + \sin{(A+C)} + \sin{(B+C)}$
Using the double angle identity $\cos(2x)+1 \equiv 2\cos^2x$, we get that
Then use the angle sum identity $\sin A+B \equiv \sin A \cos B + \sin B \cos A$:
We also know that $A+B+C=180^\circ$, so $A=180^\circ-(B+C)$ and likewise for $B$:
Now we notice that $\sin(180-x)=\sin(x)$ for all $x$
as required.
Ai also proved this was an identity, but she started by working with the right-hand side:

Meghna, Minh, John and Fatemeh sent us solutions to problem 4. Here is Minh, John and Fatemeh's solution:
4) $\sin(A+B) = \cos C$
Since the angles are in a triangle, we have that $A+B+C=180^\circ$ so let us use $A+B=180^\circ -C$:
Meghna, Minh, John and Fatemeh sent us solutions to problem 5. Here is Meghna's solution:
5) $\cos{C} = -\cos{(A + B)}$
Meghna sent us the following solution to problem 6:
6) $4(\cos^2{A}\cos^2{B} + \sin^2{A}\sin^2{B}) - 2\sin{2A}\sin{2B} = 3$
Not true when $A=60^\circ, B=30^\circ, C=90^\circ$
$4(\cos^2{60}\cos^2{30} + \sin^2{60}\sin^2{30}) - 2\sin{120}\sin{60} = 4(\frac{6}{16})
- (\frac{3}{2}) = 0$
Adithya, Thomas, Minh, John and Fatemeh sent us solutions to problem 7. Here is Minh, John and Fatemeh's solution:
7) $\sin(2A)+\sin(2B)+\sin(2C)=4\sin A \sin B \sin C$
Starting with the left hand side:
Thomas used a different method to solve this problem. Here is his solution:
The first two terms of the LHS are $\sin(2A)+\sin(2B)$ which is the sum of sines, so we can use the formula
and the double angle formula, $\sin(2x) \equiv 2\sin x \cos x$, on the final term to give
We know that $A+B+C=180^\circ$, so $A+B=180^\circ-C$
and we also know that $\sin(180-x)=\sin(x)$, so we have
Then we can further simplify the RHS by using the sum of cosines formula, that $A+B+C=180^\circ$ and that $\cos (-x)=\cos x$
Finally we have that $\cos(90-x)=\sin(x)$, so we have proved the identity since we now have:
So we know which problems are equations and which are identities. We also know for which values problem 4 is true. Can you find the values for which problems 2 and 6 are true?