
You're invited to decide whether statements about the number of solutions of a quadratic equation are always, sometimes or never true.
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Powerful Quadratics

This resource is from Underground Mathematics.



Below are several statements about the quadratic equation


where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are allowed to be any real numbers except that $a$ is not $0$.

For each statement, decide whether it is ALWAYS true, SOMETIMES true, or NEVER true.

To show that a statement is ALWAYS true, we need to give a proof.

To show that a statement is NEVER true, we need to give a proof.

To show that a statement is SOMETIMES true, we need to give an example

when it is true and an example when it is false.  If you want a harder

challenge, can you determine exactly when it is and when it is not


You might want to print and cut out the statements (downloadable from

the link here), so that you can sort them into piles.

(1) If $a < 0$, then the equation has no real roots

(2) If $b^2 - 4ac = 0$, then the equation has one repeated real root.

(3) If the equation has no real roots, then the equation $ax^2 + bx - c = 0$ has two distinct real roots.

(4) If $\frac{b^2}{a} < 4c$, then the equation has two distinct real roots.

(5) If $b = 0$, then the equation has one repeated real root.

(6) The equation has three real roots.

(7) If $c = 0$, then the equation has no real roots.

(8) The equation has the same number of real roots as $ax^2 - bx + c = 0$.

(9) If the equation has two distinct real roots, then $ac < \frac{b^2}{4}$.

(10) If $c > 0$, then the equation has two distinct real roots.

(11) The equation has the same number of real roots as the equation $cx^2 + bx + a = 0$.

(12) If the equation has no real roots, then the equation $-ax^2 - bx - c = 0$ has two distinct real roots.




This is an Underground Mathematics resource.

Underground Mathematics is hosted by Cambridge Mathematics. The project was originally funded by a grant from the UK Department for Education to provide free web-based resources that support the teaching and learning of post-16 mathematics.

Visit the site at undergroundmathematics.org to find more resources, which also offer suggestions, solutions and teacher notes to help with their use in the classroom.