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3rd STEM TI day 2011/12

First stemNRICH TI day: 30 September 2011

Second stemNRICH TI day: 19 March 2012


This third day was free and open to any teacher in any STEM subject, regardless of whether people had attended the previous days.  There will be a further three STEM Teacher Inspiration days in 2012-13 - December 6, April 17 and July 4.  Details of the content and the application process will be available from September.

The third STEM day in June 2012 included workshops in three strands: 

  • Maths and Science, led by experienced Maths and Science teachers, reflecting practice in their schools.
  • Maths and DT, led by experienced Maths and DT teachers, reflecting practice in their schools.
  • Maths Supporting SET, led by the NRICH team.
All workshops included rich tasks - most available through the links below - which can be used or adapted to suit your own circumstances.

In addition to the workshops, there was a panel session discussing what worked and how people cope with the difficulties in introducing a joined-up approach to STEM teaching.

Useful STEM pages:

Lynne McClure's Stem Sharers presentation

Maths supporting SET resources:

STEM starters (from Maggie Bointon and Richard Kilby, Kingsbridge College, Devon)

Building Bridges (from Richard Hall and Mike Acheson, Linton Village College)

Christleton HS (Cat, Sean and Barry):