Linked from this page, you will find three main resources which will help you embed problem solving into your curriculum:
If you are an Early Years practitioner, you may well find our Early Years homepage more appropriate than this one.
Our Curriculum Mapping Documents link NRICH tasks to curriculum objectives.
NRICH tasks embrace the aims of the mathematics national curriculum in England (problem solving, reasoning and fluency) as well as curriculum 'content'.
Early Years and Key Stage 1 Mathematics National Curriculum - pdf or Word document
Key Stage 2 Mathematics National Curriculum - pdf or Word document
First and Second Levels Mathematics Curriculum for Excellence - pdf or Word document
NRICH tasks linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework:
Nursery - Word document or pdf
Reception - Word document or pdf
Year 1 - Word document or pdf
Year 2 - Word document or pdf
NRICH tasks linked to the Curriculum for Wales Mathematics Programmes of Study in Key Stage 2:
Year 3 - Word document or pdf
Year 4 - Word document or pdf
Year 5 - Word document or pdf
Year 6 - Word document or pdf
Cambridge Primary Maths
In addition to the mapping documents and our collections of tasks (see below), don't forget our features, which gather together tasks and articles around a theme. They are very usefully explored during a staff meeting, for example. Our features generally fall into one of four categories:
1. We have some specific features that will help you embed the aims of the new National Curriculum in England (problem solving, reasoning and fluency) in your school. We have one feature on each of the aims:
Problem Solving
Number Fluency
Linked to these, we have features on some of the key problem-solving skills:
Working Systematically
Mastering Mathematics: Developing Generalising and Proof
Strategy Games
And alongside the above, take a look at our Recording Mathematics feature.
2. We have features on key parts of the curriculum content that you may find tricky:
Number Sense and Place Value
Algebra in the New Curriculum
We also have the following curriculum-linked features:
Playing with Number
Playing with 2D Shape
Number Patterns
3. We have features on the use of key manipulatives (be sure to take a look at Jenni Back's article on use of manipulatives: Manipulatives in the Primary Classroom):
Playing with Dice
4. We also have features on pedagogical aspects of classroom practice:
Low Threshold High Ceiling Tasks
Developing Group-working Skills
Developing Able Young Mathematicians
Using Young Mathematicians' Award Tasks to Develop Problem-solving and Group-working Skills
Encouraging Creativity - Open Spaces
Encouraging Creativity - Play to Win
The collections below include our favourite rich tasks, some of which may not appear on the mapping documents, so we suggest you look there too!

Trial and improvement at KS1

Trial and improvement at KS2

Working systematically - primary teachers

Working systematically at KS2 - primary teachers

Working backwards at KS1

Working backwards at KS2

Visualising at KS1 - Primary teachers

Visualising at KS2 - Primary teachers

Reasoning and convincing at KS1 - Primary teachers

Reasoning and convincing at KS2 - Primary teachers

Conjecturing and generalising at KS1 - Primary teachers

Conjecturing and generalising at KS2 - Primary teachers

Patterns and sequences: Age 7-11
These tasks focus on finding patterns and investigating sequences in a systematic way.

Counting and ordering: Age 5-7

Counting and ordering: Age 7-11

Addition and subtraction: Age 5-7

Addition and subtraction: Age 7-11

Multiplication and division: Age 5-7

Multiplication and division: Age 7-11

Ratio and proportion: Age 7-11
This collection of activities for upper primary children focuses on ratio and proportion.

Factors and multiples: Age 7-11
This collection of activities encourages children to explore factors and multiples.

Properties of shapes: Age 5-7
The tasks in this collection all focus on the properties of shapes.

Properties of shapes: Age 7-11
The tasks in this upper primary collection all focus on the properties of shapes.

Position and direction: Age 5-7

Estimating, comparing, measuring: Age 5-7
This collection of tasks combines the skills of estimating, comparing and measuring.

Estimating, comparing, measuring: Age 7-11
This collection of upper primary tasks combines the skills of estimating, comparing and measuring.

Area and perimeter: Age 7-11

Handling data: Age 5-7
These lower primary tasks introduce the skills of collecting data systematically and using it to answer questions.

Handling data: Age 7-11
These upper primary tasks build on the skills of systematically collecting and interpreting data.