Supporting highly able mathematicians - resources for teachers
We're always keen to add to this list. Please email us with suggestions to share.
Books and articles on high ability in maths
Eyre D. and McClure L.(ed)(2001) Curriculum Provision for the Gifted and Talented in the Primary School London Fulton
Koshy V. (2001) Teaching Mathematics to Able Children London Fulton
McClure L. and Piggott J. (2007) Meeting the Needs of your Most Able Pupils London Fulton
Kennard R. (2001) Teaching Mathematically Able Children London Fulton
Gifted and Talented Learners - collection of tasks suitable for enrichment at KS3-5
Extension, enrichment and/or acceleration? - activities for teacher discussion
Gardiner T (2007) Extension Mathematics (Alpha, Beta Gamma and Teacher Book) Oxford OUP
Price. A.(2006) Creative Maths Activities for Able Students (11-14) London Chapman
Sellars E. and Lowndes S. (2003) Using and Applying mathematics - teaching problem solving and thinking skills, KS1 and 2 London Fulton
World Class Arena (2005) Mathsinsight 1&2, 8-11 and 12-14 London NferNelson
Early D. & MacHale D. (2011) The First Twenty-Five Years of the Superbrain UKMT problems available from UKMT
NACE National Association for Able Children in Education
LGT London Gifted and Talented
UKMT United Kingdom Mathematics Trust
G and T archives are now available online
FMS Further Maths Support
Other linked NRICH pages:
Supporting highly able mathematicians - who are they?
Supporting highly able mathematicians - for teachers
Supporting highly able mathematicians - for parents and carers