Interactive workout - Mathmo
Mathmo is a revision tool for post-16 mathematics. It's great installed as a smartphone app, but it works well in pads and desktops and notebooks too. Give yourself a mathematical workout!

Our Mathmo interactive workout app for A-level fluency has had another makeover.
Release Notes:
Mathmo 0.9.3 has just been released at
This release gives users much more control over question generation - allowing such things as question sharing, and predictable exercise content. It features a new cleaner user interface which should work on a wider range of browsers.
v0.9.3 should work in any HTML5 capable browser. Some answers have function plots which also require an SVG browser. This excludes IE6,7,8 but allows IE9+. Some Android browsers lack SVG.
The previously released version of Mathmo 0.5.0, is still available at
Getting Started
You can use this workbook to practise your core mathematical skills. This will be very useful both whilst at school and when you move on to higher study, where a high degree of algebraic fluency is really useful.
Here are some hints and tips to improve your skills:
- Don't be tempted to look at the answer if you think that you can do the question unless you have actually done the question, on paper with a pen.
- Try not to use your calculator for the simple arithmetical parts of a question - this is a bad habit to get into.
- If you are stuck, don't give up immediately. Think about the problem. Perhaps look at one or two answers and ask: how does this answer work?
- Accuracy is important, but speed is also important. This workbook is good for speed training.
- If your answer differs from the answer given then think: is my answer wrong, or is it merely represented in a different form?
- Use your skills in some interesting rich mathematical problems from NRICH. You might want to look at the core mathematics curriculum document for suggestions or just browse the stage 5 content on the site.
- Keep a record of your best times. See how quickly you can complete one of each question type from each section.
What is a good time to aim for?
Fluency with mathematics means the ability to perform routine calculation BOTH quickly AND accurately. One without the other will hamper your progress, especially once you reach university.
To give you a feel for where you might be aiming, here are some average times for some of the questions as recorded by Judith, a second year mathematics undergraduate who worked with NRICH over the summer:
Algebra | Curve sketching | Differentiation | |||
Quadratic equations | 8s | Modulus function for linear | 20s | Stationary points for quadratic | 10s |
Completing the square | 8s | Modulus function for quadratic | 1m 10s | Stationary points for cubic | 50s |
Inequalities for quadratics | 10s | Implicit differentiation | 1m 10s | ||
Inequalities for cubics | 1m 10s | ||||
Partial fractions | 1m 30s | ||||
Powers | 1m | ||||
Logarithms | 20s | ||||
Solving trig equations | 40s | ||||
TOTAL | 5m 6s |
Can you match or beat Judith's times?
More times from other brave solvers will be posted periodically.
Teachers' Resources
This workbook generates random questions from the UK core A-level mathematics syllabus.
It is very powerful and contains a huge range of topics, including graph sketching, trigonometry and all aspects of algebra and calculus. It is instant to use and comes equipped with the answers.
There are no time limits, targets or scores: just the opportunity for simple, unpressured practice.
There are many ways in which you can use this resource:
- It is ideal for quiet use in the computer room for individual study or revision
- You can point students who are having difficulty towards it for targeted practice on a certain question type.
- You can suggest that 'high fliers' use the resource to practise their skills, maximise their chances of a good A and improve their own algebraic fluency. They will appreciate this when they arrive at university where a high level of algebraic fluency gives a huge advantage.
- You can use the workbook for quick lesson starters. By revising old, previously covered topics the knowledge of students will be kept fresh and will have great benefit on the students' overall mathematical skill.
- You can suggest that students about to start university or year 13 use the workbook as a refresher after the holidays.
- You can have a go yourself as the teacher if you are teaching new material, feeling a little rusty or simply want to hone your already impressive algebraic skill!
More workbooks are planned. Please do get in touch if you have any comments.