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'More Mathematical Mysteries' printed from

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Write down a three-digit number

Three chickens.

Change the order of the digits to get a different number

Find the difference between the two three digit numbers

Add together the digits of your answer. If you arrive at a two-digit answer, add the two digits to reduce your answer to a single digit answer

Subtract $5$ from the number you have

Find that equivalent number letter in the alphabet (1=A, 2=B etc.)

Name a country that begins with letter


Using the second letter of the name of the country that you chose, name a jungle animal that starts with that letter.

Name the colour of that animal.

Using the final letter of the name of the country that you chose, name a different animal that starts with that letter.

Name a fruit that starts with the last letter of that animal's name.

Melon slice.

Did you end up with orange or apple?

How did I know?