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'Always, Sometimes or Never? Shape' printed from

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Are the following statements always true, sometimes true or never true?
How do you know?

Can you find examples or counter-examples for each one?

For the 'sometimes' cards can you explain when they are true? Or rewrite them so that they are always true or never true?


A hexagon has six equal length sides



Triangles have a line of symmetry



Squares have two diagonals that
meet at right angles


Cutting a corner off a square
makes a pentagon


The base of a pyramid is a square


A cuboid has two square faces

What about these more complex statements?



When you cut off a piece from
a 2D shape, you reduce the
area and perimeter



Triangles tessellate



The number of lines of symmetry
in a regular polygon is equal to the number of sides


Quadrilaterals can be cut into two equal triangles

You could cut out the statement cards and arrange them in this grid. Alternatively, you could use these interactivities to organise your thinking: