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Martha in Year 5 at Hatherleigh Primary School has sent us a very well explained solution to this tricky problem. She says:


First I counted up to $122$ in base $3$ and base $7$. Then I marked them off in fives in base $10$.

Here is her working:

Martha's working.

She goes on to say:

After that I wrote down the four numbers we were given, found out what they were in base $3$ and $7$, and worked out whether or not they could be made out of $7$s and $3$s:

The second part of Martha's working.


N.B. There's a slight error above: 101 in Base 3 is equivalent to 10 in Base 10, not 9, so could be the total number of legs of one Zio and one Zept.

$22$ and $41$ could only be in base $7$ so the other two were Zios. So:

West - Zio
East - Zept
South - Zio
North - Zept

Excellent Martha - thank you for sharing your answer with us.