Clever Santa
All the girls would like a puzzle each for Christmas and all the boys would like a book each. Solve the riddle to find out how many puzzles and books Santa left.
On Christmas Eve the children of one family left a note for Santa saying that all the girls would like a puzzle each and all the boys would like a book each. They left Santa this riddle to solve: How many puzzles and how many books did Santa leave for the children? | Image
Getting Started
What if there was one boy and one girl in the family, could that be right? Why?
What could you try next?
Does your solution fit all the information?
It might be helpful to draw sketches, or jot things down, or use counters for the girls and boys.
Student Solutions
Josh, of Alameda School, Ampthill, Beds, sends the following answers:
Santa left five puzzles and two books. Because each girl had four sisters and two brothers, and each boy had one brother and five sisters.
The children of Writtle Junior School (Class SA) want to offer the following solution:-
We think that Santa would have left 5 puzzles and 2 books based on the following picture:
These show some good thinking. Well done maybe you could try some other activities and send in your solutions.
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