Can you lay out the pictures of the drinks in the way described by the clue cards?
This problem has been designed to work on in a group of about four. For more details about how you might go about doing this, please read the Teachers' Notes.
You will need to print off these eight cards, which have pictures of glasses of orange and blackcurrant juice on them. You need one set of these cards for your group.
Have a good look at the cards with everyone in your group. Talk to each other about what you notice. Can you sort the cards in different ways?
Now you are ready for the challenge. You will need to print off this set of clue cards. There are ten clue cards altogether.
Give the clue cards out to everyone in your group. Take it in turns to read your cards out loud. Listen out for instructions that tell you what to do, which are written on one or more of the cards.
Can you lay out the pictures of the drinks in the way described by the clue cards?
We would love to hear how you got on with this activity.
Perhaps you can send us a photo of your solution?
Can you tell us which clue cards helped you get started?
How did you know whether your solution was correct?
This activity is taken from Maths Buzz, collaborative reasoning challenges devised by NRICH and published by BEAM. Maths Buzz is out of print but can still be found on Amazon.
Getting Started
How are the cards alike?
How are the cards different?
What do we have to do with the pictures of the glasses?
Which is a good clue to start on?
Do you think you've got the glasses in the right order? How do you know?
Student Solutions
Class 2C at Manor School in Didcot wrote to us:
2C decided to work in groups of three and four. One person cut out the pictures, one person read the clues and the other person moved them around. We got a bit confused, and some children had the idea of labelling the places for the cups 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. This helped us a lot as we could look at one place at a time. One group started laying the clues down next to the place they talked about, and this helped us make sure we had read them all.
In the end our teacher read all the clues out and we checked that our order fitted every clue.
I like the way you could check yourselves whether your solution was correct.
Class 3 at Levens C of E School also sent us a photo of their final solution. They said:
We started with this clue: 'The first glass is full of blackcurrant juice.'
Well done - you're right this clue does help, doesn't it? But perhaps it only helps if you've already read the one which told you that you need to leave out the tall glass full of blackcurrant juice!
Class 3 sent this picture of their solution:
Thank you also to Owen, Jack, Mollie and Emily from Church Broughton and Lewis from Castledyke Primary for your solutions.
Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
Many NRICH tasks have been designed with group work in mind. Here we have gathered together a collection of short articles that outline the merits of collaborative work, together with examples of teachers' classroom practice.
Possible approach
Key questions
Possible extension
Possible support