Factorial fun
We denote the product of the first 20 natural numbers by 20! and call this 20 factorial.
(a) What is the highest power of 5 which is a divisor of 20 factorial? Just how many factors does 20! have altogether?
(b) Show that the highest power of $p$ that divides $500!$, where $p$ is a prime number and $p^t < 500 < p^{t+1}$, is $$\lfloor 500/p\rfloor+\lfloor 500/p^2\rfloor+\dotsb+\lfloor 500/p^t\rfloor,$$ where $\lfloor x\rfloor$ (the floor of $x$) means to round down to the nearest integer. (For example, $\lfloor 3\rfloor=3$, $\lfloor 4.7\rfloor=4$, $\lfloor -2.7\rfloor=-3$, and so on.)
(c) How many factors does $n!$ have?
Getting Started
Trying the problem for small values of $n$ is a good problem solving strategy. Here you might try $n = 2, 3$ and $4$.
The parts of the question are stepping stones leading you to answering the question "How many factors does $n!$ have?".
Student Solutions
Luke of Madras College and Ling Xiang Ning, Raffles Institution, Singapore, sent us answers to the question "How many divisors does $n!$ have?"
Ling Xiang Ning said: To find the number of factors of factorial $n$, first I tried small values of $n$, for factorial $2$, then $3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,$ and $9$. I found a generalisation for all values of $n$.
First find the prime factorisation of $n!$
\[ n! = p_1^a p_2^b p_3^c ... \]
where $p_1, p_2, ...$ etc. are the prime factors of $n!$ and $a, b,...$ etc are the powers of these prime factors.
Number of divisors of $n! = (a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1) ... $
Luke gave more detail:
The highest power of $5$ which is a divisor of $20!$ is $5^4$ and the highest power of $2$ is $2^{18}$.
If $n!$ is written as a product of its prime factors we may want to find the powers of each factor. If $p$ is a prime where $p, 2p, 3p, \dots kp \leq n$ then each of these terms contributes once to the power of $p$ contained in $n!$ where $k$ is the integer part of $n/p$ denoted by $k = [n/p]$. Now consider $p^2, 2p^2, 3p^2 , \dots$; here there are $[n/p^2]$ terms, each of which contributes one more power of $p$. Then consider $p^3, 2p^3, 3p^3, \dots$; here there are $[n/p^3]$ terms, each of which contributes one more power of $p$ when $n!$ is written as a product of its prime factors and so on.
Let $p_1, p_2, p_3, \dots , p_k$ be a list of all primes less than or equal to $n$.
Then define
$$a_i = \sum_{r=1}^{\infty} \left[\frac{n}{p_{i}^{r }}\right] \qquad \qquad 1 \leq i \leq k$$
where the square brackets denote `the integer part of' so that $a_i$ is clearly the highest power of $p_i$ dividing $n!$.
Then $n! = p_{1}^{a_{1}}.p_{2}^{a_{2}}\dots{p_{k}^{a_{k}}}$ so the number of divisors of $n!$ is $(1 + a_1)(1 + a_2) \dots (1 + a_k)$
I take $9!$ as an example. Replacing $n$ with $9$, we have $9=2^7.3^4.5.7$
The number of divisors of $9!$ is $(7+1)(4+1)(1+1)^2 = 8\times 5\times 4 = 160$ Therefore, $9!$ has $160$ divisors.
With $n = 20$ the $p_i$ are $2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19$ and $20 ! = 2^a. 3^b. 5^c. 7^d. 11^e. 13^f. 17^g. 19^h$ and $e = f = g = h = 1$ and the number of divisors is
$a = (20/2) + (20/4) + (20/8) + (20/16) = 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 18$
$b = (20/3) + (20/9) = 6 + 2 = 8$
$c = (20/5) = 4$
$d = (20/7) = 2$
So the number of divisors is $^4 = 41040$
To understand the reason for this, think of each divisor being expressed as a product of prime factors. The number of possible divisors is found by working out the number of ways of choosing the prime factors of the divisor. The prime $p_1$ may not occur as a factor of the divisor, or it may occur to the power 1 or 2 or 3 or any power up to at most $a$, hence there are $(a+1)$ possibilities for a divisor to contain $p_1$ as a factor. Similarly there are $(b+1)$ possibilities for a divisor to contain $p_2$ as a factor and $(c+1)$ possibilities for a divisor to contain $p_3$ as a factor and so on. We multiply these numbers of possibilities to find the total number of possibilities.
The same problem exactly would arise if the classes in a school were each named by a different prime number and the number of students in class $p_1$ is $a$, and there are $b$ students in class $p_2, c$ students in class $p_3$ and so on. At any time there may be no students from any of the classes in the school building or any number from any of the classes. How many different possibilities are there for the number of students in the building? Can you see that this is the same as the Factorial Fact problem? If not work out the answers in some simple cases, for example imagine 2 classes with 3 children in one and 4 children in the other.
Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
The problem does not require much knowledge but it calls for careful reasoning and accurate use of standard notation. The problem provides scaffolding steps to help the problem solver think through the ideas needed to solve the problem.Possible approach
Ask the class to count all the factors of $n!$ for $n = 2 , 3, 4$ and $5$ and suggest that they look for the most efficient way to do this. Then suggest that this problem might help them find the best way to do it.This is not written in to the problem itself because EVERY time we try to solve a problem, unless it is very easy, we should think about first trying simple cases.
Key questions
How do we use the fact $24=2^3 \times 3$ to deduce that $24$ has $8$ factors? (Combinatorics question)Possible support
Try the problems Fac-finding, Powerful Factorial and Factoring Factorials. They are all special cases of this problem.The problem Em'power'ed also focusses on equating the powers of prime factors.