Chippy's journeys

Chippy the Robot goes on journeys. How far and in what direction must he travel to get back to his base?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Chippy the Robot was sent on a journey.

Chippy's Journeys

Chippy started from his base station and went $2$m (metres) N (North).

Then he turned and went $2$m E (East), $3$m N, then $3$m W (West) and $2$m S (South).

After that he went $2$m E, $3$m N and $3$m W again.

Then he went $5$m S and $4$m E.

Finally, he went $1$m S.

There he stopped.

How many metres altogether did Chippy travel on that journey?

How far and in what direction must Chippy travel to get back to his base station?

The next day Chippy went on another journey.

This time he started $3$ m (metres) West and $4$ m North of his base station. He went $6$ m E, $2$ m N, $4$ m W and $1$ m S. He then turned round and retraced his movements for $4$ m.

Where did he end up?

Can you find the shortest route to get him back to his base station?

How many metres did he have to go to get back?

Can you find him a route back which is exactly $12$ m?

How many different $12$ m routes can you find?