
Getting into an investigational approach

Devon Teachers Enriching NRICH - Part 1

Devon teachers enriching NRICH - part 1

It began in Devon in 2008. The Maths Team was keen to raise the profile of mathematics investigations and further promote mathematical thinking and problem solving in primary classes. Liz was invited to Devon to launch ‘Enriching Mathematics’ with a group of 25 teachers.

Devon Teachers Enriching NRICH - Part 2

Devon teachers enriching NRICH - part 2

This is the second part of an article describing the ‘Enriching Mathematics’ project in Devon in 2008-9. The participating teachers describe NRICH activities they have tried with their learners.

Opening Out

Opening out

Bernard Bagnall describes how to get more out of some favourite NRICH investigations.
Using Questioning to Stimulate Mathematical Thinking

Using questioning to stimulate mathematical thinking

Good questioning techniques have long being regarded as a fundamental tool of effective teachers. This article for teachers looks at different categories of questions that can promote mathematical thinking.
Problem Solving: Opening up problems

Problem solving: opening up problems

All types of mathematical problems serve a useful purpose in mathematics teaching, but different types of problem will achieve different learning objectives. In generalmore open-ended problems have greater potential.