
Topics in mathematics - secondary students

Successful mathematicians understand and use mathematical ideas and methods, solve problems, explain and justify their thinking, and have a positive attitude towards learning mathematics. 

Do you enjoy thought-provoking questions? If so, this is the place for you - here you will find activities arranged by mathematical topic.

For problems arranged by mathematical thinking skills, see our Thinking Mathematically page.

For problems arranged by mathematical mindsets, see our Mathematical Mindsets page. 



Challenge level
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This collection of resources is designed to help you to improve your understanding of topics in Number.


Challenge level
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This collection of resources is designed to help you to improve your understanding of topics in Algebra.
Geometry and Measures

Geometry and measures

Challenge level
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This collection of resources is designed to help you to improve your understanding of topics in Geometry and Measures.
Handling Data

Handling data

Challenge level
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This collection of resources is designed to help you to improve your understanding of topics in Handling Data.

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We also have a collection of Short Problems, linked to the curriculum, which you might want to use for practice and revision.