A googol is the number $10^{100}$. What is the smallest whole number $n$ for which
Can you carefully write out the number on the left-hand side of this inequality for this value of $n$ in base 10?
Although computers are very useful in checking calculations in number theory, it is very difficult to use them to perform calculations involving very, very large numbers. A googol is a big number, but a googolplex, defined to be $10^{\mbox{googol}}$ is unimaginably larger. Such gigantic numbers do make appearances in mathematics from time to time and require the power of pure thought and mathematics to yield to analysis. Rather amusingly, the Googol Corporation call their headquarters 'the googolplex'.
Student Solutions
The numbers in the problem are too large for computers to deal
with in a straightforward fashion (or, rather, were in 2011), so we
need to use pure mathematics to help us. There are at least two
possible positive ways forwards:
First, you might notice that the inequality is a quadratic in the
variable $n^2$. You could solve the corresponding equality and use
this to work out the minimum value of $n$ by rounding up the answer
to the next largest integer.
Alternatively, you could notice that $10^{100}=(10^{25})^4$. So,
it is quite clear that $n=10^{25}$ is too small.
What about $10^{25}+1$? We can substitute this value and use the
binomial theorem to show that
(Note: you might not see the 'point' of these inequality
manipulations: they are useful because it is clear and easy to
verify each individual step. This turns something which might just
be controversial into something that is not at all
Now for writing out the number $N$ on the left hand side of the inequality. As the number is so large a computer or a spreadsheet will not easily help us. Keeping the '+1' part separate for as long as possible gives us (where $X=10^{25}$)
Firstly, $8\times 10^{25}$ is represented as $8$ followed by $25$ zeros. Removing this from the part $4\times 10^{75}$ leaves a number of the form
Removing the $5$ from this gives a number of the form
The trick is now to get the $1$s and the $3$ in the correct place.
If we consider the number as a string of digits, counted from the
right, then the first $1$ with be in the 101st place, the $3$ in
the 76th place and the second 1 in the 26th place.
Phew! Who would have thought that place value could be so tricky? If you are planning on entering a career in finance or science then part of your computer programming will be to ensure that large numbers that you enter into your code are accurate. A lot could rest on this accuracy, so patient and careful detail are the key skills required.