Weird universes
Consider these weird universes and ways in which the stick man can shoot the robot in the back.
Four identical robots and their enemies, the stick men, live in small universes based on squares with the opposites sides identified (i.e. corresponding to the same points in space) in various ways, as shown in the diagrams below:

Consider these universes. In which ways could the stick men shoot the robots? Which create a geometry which can be made in 3 dimensions out of a sheet of paper? Perhaps you might like to experiment with other universes?
Did you know ... ?
String theory suggests that each point we see in 3D space is in fact a higher dimensional surface wrapped up in very specific ways.
String theory suggests that each point we see in 3D space is in fact a higher dimensional surface wrapped up in very specific ways.
Student Solutions
The first diagram represents a torus. Shoot along any direction.
In the second one, shoot diagonally right and up.
The third diagram is like a pyramid teabag! Shoot diagonally up and left.
In the fourth diagram, shoot straight to the right.
The first and third diagrams can be created out of a sheet of paper.