Poiseuille's equation

Look at the flow of fluids down circular pipes.
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



Water is pumped at a steady rate through a straight circular pipe of length $L$ and radius $R$.

I make the assumption that if the flow is steady then the flow rate $Q$ of water through the pipe can only depend on $L$, $R$, the constant difference in pressure $\Delta P$  between the two ends of the pipe and the viscosity $\mu$ of the fluid. How strongly do you agree with the validity of this assumption from a practical point of view? Under what circumstances are they most likely to be valid?

The standard equation governing flow along a circular pipe is called the Poiseille-equation:

Q=kR4ΔPμLfor a constant k

Show that this makes sense from the point of view of the physical units of the various variables. Would any other combinations of variables combine to give a flow rate?

How might you devise an experiment to determine the numerical value of $k$?

Suppose that you push water along a horizontal pipe into the air. If you have a fixed amount of force at your disposal, are narrow pipes or wide pipes best to get the largest flow rate?