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'Making Longer, Making Shorter' printed from

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First, Ahmed used interlocking cubes to make a rod four cubes long:

rod made of four cubes

How many cubes did he need to make a rod twice the length of that one?
How many cubes did he need to make one three times the length?
How many cubes did he need to make one four times the length?
How many cubes did he need to make a rod half the length of his first one?
How many cubes did he need to make a rod a quarter of the length of his first one?

These rods are the ones Ahmed made:

rod made of 4 cubes
rod made of 2 cubes
rod made of 1 cube
rod of 8 cubes
rod of 12 cubes
rod of 16 cubes

Which one is twice the length of Ahmed's first rod?
Which one is three times the length?
Which one is four times the length?
Which one is half the length of his first rod?
Which one is a quarter of the length of his first rod?
Which one is the same length as his first rod?